sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011

For a better life

1. Don't use drug.
2. Practic sports.
3. Do new friends.
4. Save the water.
5. Care of the environment.

Plans for next year

1. I am going to work.
2. I am going to cut my hair.
3. I and my friends are going to seek a boyfriend.
4. I and my friends are going to dance in the ballad.
5. I and my friends are not going to change of school.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

11 tips to reduce the greenhouse effect

1. Preserve the forests.
    Preserve as florestas.

2. Use the three Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse.
    Use os três Rs: reduzir, reciclar e reusar.

3. Buy less polluting cars, or ride a bike.
    Compre carros menos poluentes, ou ande de bicicleta.

4. Separate the trash of your home.
    Separe o lixo da sua casa.

5. Care of the environment, do not burn.
    Cuide do meio ambiente, não faça queimadas.

6. Save water.
    Economize água.

7. Do not throw garbage in the streets.
    Não jogue lixo nas ruas.

8. Build a pit in your home, do not dispose sewage into rivers.
    Contrua uma fossa em sua casa, não jogue esgoto nos rios.

9. Save energy, adapt solar energy.
    Economize energia, adote energia solar.

10. Use the leftovers as compost.
      Use os restos de comida como adubo.

11. Paint their roofs white to reflect sunlight.
      Pinte seus telhados de branco para refletir a luz solar.

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011


My friends and I created three acronyms to you, read and see if you like.

F antastic is to be happy
A ccept the love into your heart
M others and fathers are everything
love my family for what it is
L isten me
Y ou, childreen, respect your parents.

H ope is the soul of the world
A ll want a better life
P lease! Think about it...
believe we can more
N obody is happy without love
E ach one makes up your history
S acrifices are valid
S ave the planet!

L ove,
O nly thing I think about it is you
N eed your hug
G irl, I love being at your side
just want you
N ow you are so far
G onna turn longing